06.10.2022 An Etruscan design for Etruscan Square in Stoke on Trent.
June 10, 2022
PCH-a have designed a striking new mobility hub to support the new Etruscan Square Master plan which will offer a new Arena, housing and shopping to the city of Stoke on Trent. The proposal has been exhibited at the 2022 MIPIM in Cannes and will include electric vehicle charging spaces, disabled parking bays, a Customer and an Active Travel and Shopmobility Centre. It will facilitate the extensive pedestrian public realm within the wider masterplan through its provision of sustainable travel options.
There is currently an overriding need to provide a modern car park facility in the area to support the viability & vitality of the city centre along with the retail area to the West & North. The ‘Etruscan Square’ Masterplan will generate a parking need, which this building will serve.
In the longer term, it will serve the Arena proposed in the masterplan & will be a general catalyst for regeneration.